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Legal Notice

This website is published by Château Angludet – 33460 Cantenac – France.

  • Director of publication: Daisy Sichel
  • Editorial manager: Daisy Sichel
  • Website creation: Château Angludet
  • Solution and Hosting: WordPress, Plesk OVH

Access to this site is restricted to persons residing in countries where the consumption of alcoholic beverages is authorized and who are of legal age to consume such beverages in this country.

The site can only be used subject to compliance with these conditions of use and warning notices. Consequently, the use of the site implies acceptance.

Protection of personal data (if applicable):

Château Angludet undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of any information provided online by the Internet user.

Intellectual property:

The site and the data contained therein such as trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, are protected by intellectual property.

The texts appearing on this site may not under any circumstances be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the express authorization of Château Angludet.


The site may include links to other sites or external sources. Insofar as Château Angludet cannot control these sites and external sources, Château Angludet cannot be held responsible for the provision of these sites and external sources and cannot bear any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services, or any other material available on and from such sites or sources.

Use of the site:

Any user of the site expressly acknowledges and accepts that use of the site is at their own risk. Château Angludet in no way guarantees the quality and compatibility of the site for a specific use, whether the site is exhaustive or error-free.

The user is solely responsible for any damage suffered by his computer or any loss of data resulting from the consultation of the site.

More generally, Château Angludet cannot be held liable in the event of direct and/or indirect damage resulting from the use of this site or the impossibility of accessing it.

In addition, the user agrees, under pain of incurring civil or criminal liability, not to use this site to display or transmit, in any way whatsoever, any content that is illegal, harmful or violates any property right. intellectual and/or personality, or any content containing computer viruses designed to interrupt, destroy or alter the functionality of the site.

Photo credits:

Franck Brunet d’Aubiac, Jean Bernard Nadeau, Vincent Malet, Io photo, Mia photography

Texts: Daisy Sichel

Protection of personal data

Château Angludet thanks you for your visit. Concerned about the security and protection of your data, we make every effort to ensure compliance. This protection is an integral part of our company policy. Château Angludet strives to constantly improve the security of its site as well as the protection of your personal data.

Permission to access

If you wish to know what personal data Château Angludet holds, and what results from their storage and use, you can contact us by email at

Storage and use of personal data

We only use your personal data for the technical administration of our site. In this context, when you access our site, are collected: the URL of the links through which the user accessed the site. Your Internet Protocol (IP) address, on the other hand, is hidden.

If you contact us via our form, the personal data you have entrusted to us will be processed for the exclusive purpose of satisfying your request. We are committed to fully respecting the confidentiality of your personal data.


It is through that you can address your questions, requests or specific suggestions in order to modify or delete your data from the site.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): privacy policy
Identity of the Data Controller: Daisy Sichel
Identity of the Data Protection Officer (DPD, DPO): Marie Pierre Sichel

What data is concerned?

Château Angludet is brought in the context of online sales to collect some of your personal data such as surname, first name, date and place of birth, postal address, email address, telephone number, as well as the credit card number.

What are the purposes?

Concerned about respecting the security of your personal data, it is only for a specific purpose that your data will be used. They allow the invoicing of your order, the follow-up, the delivery as well as the customer relationship maintained with the company.

Who accesses the data?

Château Angludet has access to the data but can also transfer it to any logistics service providers responsible for preparing orders and delivering products.

What is the data retention period?

The data is kept for the duration necessary for processing and legal constraints related to invoicing. Your addresses can be used by our company to send newsletters or promotional offers, you can end it at any time:

What are the user’s rights?

In accordance with article 34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978, the user can request information on his personal data, request to make changes or delete said data. To carry out this mission, it is possible to contact Château Angludet at the following email address:

Château Angludet

33460 Margaux-Cantenac, France
Phone +33 5 57 88 71 41
Itinerary by Google 

Openning hours

November to March :
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm 

April to October :
Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm

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